「亞太文化創意產業總會(APCIA) 屬於香港商會註冊成立於2015年02月, 以香港為基礎,團結促進從事文化創意產業的人士之間的友誼及認識,推廣中國香港及亞太地區文化產業的發展,努力發展亞太地區,加強共同專注發展「文 • 創 • 產 • 專」各項目工作!提供一個充滿關懷和愛的商業平台營造扶助新興企業的文化。

Asia Pacific Creativity Industries Association, be called APCIA for short, was established in February 2015. APCIA is based in Hong Kong, we devote to promote cultural and creative industries in Hong Kong, China and Asia-Pacific areas. APCIA have four main sectors, including Culture, Creative, Industry and Profession. APCIA is an association that is full of caring and love. Members of APCIA are form the above sectors and the core value of us is Sharing. Through collaboration with the HKSAR government, business organization, educational institution and creative art workers, we support and provide new strength and ponder in the cultural and creative industries. We committed to strive for a consummate security system for intellectual property, expanse the freedom for creativity and stable brand images. Through caring forward traditional culture and resource, we assist organization to create more products and services that possess local cultural characteristics; cultivate future leaders with rich experience, global vision and supple mind; and support organization of the cultural and creative industries to explore in Asia-Pacific areas. All in all, to bring the industries to a higher level and a brighter future.




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本會重要項目:香港文化創意產業大獎 及 逆境自強系列 





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